It's suggested to save to desktop for temporary and then later can be deleted or moved to backup drive. ✽ Click images to see larger view How-to save the file: Download the Vanilla Save zipped file ( SV2020_Vanilla2.0.sims3.zip) from SimFileShare. Read more here about the SimFileShare Security Warning. ⭐ If the browser you're using doesn't allow you to download because it's telling you that Simfileshare is unsecured, please try another browser or check your browser's security settings. I am using the Vanilla save file as an example. We have added alternative download links for the SV2020 files via. You can do that by clicking the message bubble under my avatar. If not, please pm if anything is unclear.

It was brought to my attention that there are players still having issues with downloading, extracting and installing the SV2020 files. They are special, usually invisible, objects that are placed in a world during its design stage or on lots by way of Buy Debug. Such a list would go on for many screens. I've seen attempts at comprehensive lists of them over the years, but they all seem to stop short around LateNite and don't think I've seen one to be totally inclusive. Many of the expansion packs added more to them. lol!! ( Source Link) - Quote from Igazor: - igazor - 4:53pm Spawners come with the base game, including those for many insects but there are lots of other categories like seeds, fish, rocks, gems, reptiles, etc. Igazor has answered a similar question back in 2018, on Steam. How do I Use Buydebug? Added the quote above, so the spawners could be more easily found.

From what I understand, you can edit the world file via CAW, but you'll need to start your save over again. If you want more than the basics, you'll have to add them yourself to the different lots using Buydebug. The spawners from the original Sunset Valley are there, players can find plants, gems, rocks etc. I don't think Jaga added any specific spawners from any of the expansions.